Hi there! We are going to learn how to create In-app retargeting to convert users into clients.

But WTF (What the Froged) is Retargeting or Remarketing?
Retargeting vs Remarketing
Remarketing (also known as retargeting) is the tactic of serving targeted ads to people who have already visited or taken action on your website. In terms of technical execution, remarketing is the process of using a javascript tag (known as a pixel) to place a cookie in the userâs browser
But In-App retargeting is different, because you’ll launch specific messages on your website to the recent users without paying Ads to Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc…
You’ll be able to segment recent users and trigger proactive automated messages to get their attention and generate leads.
But first, why it’s important to send the right message at the right moment?
Here you have 3 reasons:
- Because we consume a lot of content during the day and it’s hard to surprise users. We must be disruptive.
- Because you will generate more engagement and that will help to grow your sales
- Because you want to differentiate yourself from your competitor
So let’s start to create In-App retargeting with Automessages!
In this example we’ll target:
- Users from Canada
- They have visited my website less than 2 days ago
- We want to offer them a special discount
Because they have visited my website recently, I’m going to launch a retargeting campaign to try to close the deal with them
In app remarketing in five steps
The first step, create a Froged account
âĄïž You can do it here: app.froged.com/signup ⏠ïž
In the “ENGAGE” area, select automessages, and create automessage
In the Trigger, we’ll select the option “Automessage will be showed when a contact visits a page” and matching the rules that you need.
In this example, I want to show the “In-App retargeting message” to recent users only in some specific pages:
- example.com
- example.com/pricing
- example.com/features

Here you can customize your conditions, in our case, we have selected people from Canada and their last seen was less than 2 days ago. In this section, you can also load a segment previously created

Now it’s time to select the format that we prefer, we’ll be able to choose Simple Notification, Widget Notification or Full Notification. Also, you can choose if the recipients can or not reply to the automessage

Time to create! Inside Froged you’ll find an easy to use text builder. I seriously recommend inserting GIFs or Videos because that generates more engagement

To finish, we’ll assign a Name and Category (Folder) to save our automessage and if we prefer to launch it every time the conditions are met or only thee firs time.

As you see, it’s pretty simple to create amazing automated messages based on your customer’s unique behavior without expending thousands of dollars in third ads platforms.